Tina's Tots - 0113 2880617
Speech and Language UK is a charitable organisation which focuses on the 1.9 million children in the UK who struggle with talking, and understanding words.
They have some amazing tools to help and support children, families and educators, such as free webinars and the free progress checker.
If you have concerns or want further advice please speak to us in setting and check out their website, Speech and Language UK could help.
Check out this website for further information on government funding, 20% tax free childcare and other financial support.
Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
Our daily rates are as follows, please note our parent fees include two hot cooked meals, two snacks and breakfast.
Parent paid full day rate: £55
Parent paid half day rate: £32
We accept workplace voucher schemes, tax free childcare, BACS and cash payments.
Please see our calendar for when funded only children will attend as government funded hours are only for 38 weeks a year. (Should you require additional days during none funded days these will be chargeable at the parent rates above).
Funded hours require government eligibility codes to be supplied to the nursery by the parent, and those details must be updated by parents every 3 months via their personal government childcare account. Failure to update your account will result in the government retracting their offer of funded hours.
You must supply your own: nappies, wipes, creams, medication, clothing and any personal items required.
There are no hidden charges at Tina's Tots! You are not expected to pay for anything else than stated above. No sign up fees. No compulsory purchases.
We continue to try our best to reduce costs for parents.
Julie was awarded employee of the month due to her consistent approach and high standard in everything she does.
Vicki was awarded employee of the month due to her wonderful start to her role, she is positive, knowledgeable and a real gem within the team.
Julie and Vicki were rewarded with a relaxation afternoon at the spa at Oulton Hall Hotel and Spa, how lovely!
Kirsty gives 100% every single day. Caring, supporting and professionally loving each and every child she cares for. She supports and coaches her colleagues and encourages them to be their best selves. Thank you so much Kirsty for everything you do for Tina's Tots and the individuals which make up our little community.
Well done Sophie for your super hard work in the Butterfly Room. You make the children feel valued and secure, always caring for them as if they were you own. Thank you from the manager, your colleagues, the children and parents.
We are looking for an experienced, energetic, knowledgeable level 3 practitioner who can inspire young minds and compliment the current team. Strong safeguarding knowledge is essential. Experience and knowledge of teaching and learning is also essential for this role.
All of our staff are paediatric first aid trained, hold certificates in safeguarding and team teach. We have continuous in house training and set training days throughout the year for team training. Our practitioners have different levels of childcare qualifications, from apprentices studying for their level 2 childcare qualification all the way up to fully qualified teachers completing their master in Early Years.
All of the staff here are dedicated to your child's happiness and their progression. We plan exciting activities to engage everyone. Planned adult lead activities take place inside and out. Children are encouraged to explore, investigate and follow their curiosity.
Each child will have their own key worker. Key workers plan for and assess the child, have an in-depth knowledge of the child's abilities and next their steps.
The staff here at Tina's Tots:
Owner and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Christina Smith, BA (Hons) QTS - Qualified Teacher Status, 20 years experience in education. Begins her masters in Early Years Education Sep 2022
Manager, DSO
Kirsty Adams - Level 3 Childcare Qualified, 10 years experience in childcare. Currently completing the Level 5 lead practitioner programme.
Admin Manager
Emma Pallister - Level 3 Childcare Qualified and Level 4 qualified in nursery management. 5 years experience in childcare.
Deputy Manager, Room Leader in Butterfly Room and SENDCO
Vicki Gawthorpe - Level 5.
18 years experience. Foundation degree in teaching and learning with SEND
Room Leader in the Caterpillar Room
Sophie Tanser - Level 3, 1 years' experience in childcare.
SENDCO Assistant
Sue Medley - 10 years experience with SEND children.
Practitioner in Butterfly Room
Alex Burgess - Level 3, multiple years experience in childcare.
Apprentice Practitioner in Butterfly Room
Sophie Bull - Apprentice Level 3
Apprentice Practitioner in Butterfly Room
Connie Fletcher - Apprentice Level 3
Apprentice Practitioner in Butterfly Room
Lucy Honnor - Apprentice Level 2
Room Leader in Caterpillar Room
Sam Fielding - Level 3, 14 years' experience in nursery settings.
Apprentice Practitioner in Caterpillar Room
Tia Goldthrope - Apprentice Level 3
Julie Hardbottle - Level 3 food hygiene, 6 years chef experience
Jayne Milanovic - Level 3 food hygiene, 2 years chef experience
The nursery is owned and managed by Christina, who is a qualified teacher with 12 years teaching experience from reception to GCSE level. She has held numerous management positions within schools including deputy head teacher of a school in Dubai.
Due to Christina's background some parts of the nursery have a little bit of a school feel. The daily routine includes three adult lead experiences per day. These are high quality sessions which cater for your child's needs, their development and their interests. Due to our recent Ofsted inspection our adult lead time has been reduced to ensure free play is evident and we are encouraging learning through play throughout the day.
Each child will be monitored and assessed daily through observations and tracking. Parents receive regular (usually daily) observations through to their email.
We are registered with Ofsted, NDNA and ICO. Ofsted graded Tina's Tots (Registration Number 2524332) as Good in all areas in December 2022.
We believe that every child is unique and will grow at his or her own pace. Our staff spend time nurturing children’s strengths and encouraging them to reach new heights.
We embrace a learning environment that will prepare children for their first day of school and beyond. Play is now a massive part of the child's day however our staff use this time to model good language, sharing and caring and a good understanding of the world around them. Our children enjoy playing alongside and with staff as well as their peers.
We offer a full range of activities that foster your child’s individual growth and personal interests. All adult lead activities are planned in accordance with the EYFS, the interests and development needs of each child and the Birth to 5 matters outcomes. Although tracking of outcomes is no longer seen as a requirement we still complete them here to ensure children are learning and gaps in development are addressed.
We utilise the indoor and outdoor spaces to capture curiosity and growth. Each room has its own outdoor space, both of which have recently been developed.
We feel parental involvement is key to achieving the maximum potential for your child and always aim to keep open communications. Working together to ensure your child is happy, safe and developing to the best of their ability.
Each child is assigned a key worker, however all staff work with all children and build beautiful bonds for a happy and secure environment.
We promote a positive environment and attitude toward themselves and others. We provide children with opportunities to assist in the creation of and understand the rules and expectations and to do the right thing. Challenging and unwanted behaviour is dealt with in a fair calm manner - please see the behaviour policy and the challenging behaviour ladder.
The safety and well-being of your child is paramount to us and therefore we take all necessary precautions to adhere to Child Safeguarding and Child Protection regulations. All our staff have at least a level 1 certificate in safeguarding. With our designated safeguarding officers holding a level 3 certificate in safeguarding. We follow the safer recruitment programme to ensure our staff have the necessary checks and suitability to work in childcare.
We ensure each and every child has the opportunity to experience success and feel successful. We provide a nurturing, positive learning experience that caters for the unique needs of your special child and meets with Ofsted requirements.
We aim to provide an outstanding service for all, where learning experiences, activities and resources are tailored to enable your child to gain the best outcomes and reach their true potential whilst with us.
Our manager - Christina, has been a primary school teacher and manager for 12 years, therefore all staff are required to have a good understanding of the requirements of the EYFS framework and the Birth to 5 matters outcomes. We go about providing a provision that will prepare your child for school or the next part of their educational path.
We think creativity and enjoyment are the keys to success and go about providing fun, interesting, purposeful learning in a stimulating environment which celebrates their successes.
During times without COVID we provide safe engaging visits which are used as starting points for learning or to further develop the learning taking place.
We promote respect, understanding, equality and diversity for all, and use Makaton and pecs as others forms of communication within both rooms.
We encourage children to build positive relationships and become confident social individuals. Children are supported to work alongside their peers, gaining independence, confidence and develop their ability to explore.
We go about ensuring each child is emotionally secure and physically and mentally healthy. We work closely with parents and supporting agencies to provide a triangle of support. Every child has the right to grow and we have a duty of care to provide the best service which caters to their exact needs. We pride ourselves in being open and honest where we can share ideas with parents and discuss solutions ensuring your child feels supported and cared for during periods of change.
Through modelling, discussions and play we provide children with the necessary skills to be able to manage their feelings and behaviour, manage and understand age appropriate risks, keep themselves healthy and hygienic and understand how to keep themselves safe.
Routine is important to children and enables them to feel safe and secure. Consistency and continuity helps the child flourish. We have visual boards and timetables to help children understand the day and its expectations. We set clear boundaries which children are able to understand and have played a part in their creation. Their contributions to rules and routines helps with self-control and self-esteem whilst also empowering them to make decisions and express opinions. Children are encouraged to partake in daily routines such as cooking, to further develop their understanding and help them to make good healthy choices.
To ensure your child’s needs are being met we carry out continuous assessment. We inform parents, agencies and schools of progress and interventions needed. We plan accordingly to the child’s development needs to ensure good progress no matter what their starting points.
We are monitored and assessed by Ofsted.
Email Nursery Director: christina@tinastots.co.uk
Email the Duty Managers: manager@tinastots.co.uk
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